On my recent "Vision Quest" to unlock the mysteries of Kalamazoo's DogMan, I discovered something far more strange. I failed to track down the supposed bipedal canine prowling Western Michigan and verify if it is indeed a related breed to Wisconsin's Beast of Bray Road, but I did come across some remarkable evidence of something ELSE lurking the Midwestern forests...
Please forgive the hot chocolate stains. I was burning the midnight oil (as it were) compiling this exciting data for YOU, my loyal readers and fellow crypto-enthusiasts. As you can see, in the above photograph, there is a large avian claw-print in the dry earth. My foot is featured alongside for size comparison.
After I spent some time searching for this yet unidentified cryptid, I set up several of my Crypto-Cams in order to capture more visual evidence. I chose my camera-trap locations carefully, based on probable fauna traffic and the presence of additional "chicken scratch" in the immediate vicinity. I was soon rewarded for my efforts! But nothing would prepare me for the rare and BIZARRE footage I would later gather...
No human walks like that. Well, maybe at wedding receptions...
Was it some sort of Chick-anthrope or other type of WereFowl (an anagram of wereWOLF... curiouser & curiouser)? Was it some prehistoric missing link, like the Archaeopteryx, held over from a bygone era? Is "ChickenMan" too generic of a moniker for this prodigious pecker (I propose "MegaCock" or "CockZilla")? Does MegaCock, like everything else, taste like chicken? And if so, what IS the Colonel's secret recipe? What came first, CockZilla or the egg? Why did the Fowlociraptor cross the road? Stay tuned for answers to these perplexing questions and/or even more perplexer questions here at Monster C.H.O.W.
Cryptically yours,
*The Crypto-Scout
Post-Script: I propose the Crypto Scouts adopt a new merit badge in honor of my recent findings. If they do, it will be my first official patch, as I still haven't passed the test for that elusive Robot Apocalypse Readiness award. :(
there's something odd about that avian...