Monday, September 21, 2009

Dodo, I've a feeling we're not on Mauritius Isle any more...

Ahoy, Crypto Scouts!

As you can see here, I volunteer some of my free time consoling extinct animals at the Camp Crypto Lake Wellness Center. Like many wiped-out species, the Dodo is especially sensitive about its fellow feathered family's unfortunate status.

Perhaps capturing a JubJub bird (a possible surviving relative) for a group session will help the lonely Dodo understand that his memory may live on (genetically AND in the history books). I've even tried recruiting the afflicted avian for a jolly caucus race to take his mind off the matter, without success.

Crypto Conservation is a top priority, but we should always be sympathetic towards an organism's Ending and try to council those who don't make the "Survival of the Fittest" cut. Won't you give just a bit of your time to an extinct species in need, during these emotional transitions?

I can only hope that the plump and flightless Raphus cucullatus will soon make peace with "going the way of the Dodo" (you'd think he would have seen it coming, considering the colloquialism).

Cryptically yours,
*The Crypto-Scout

Post-Script: FYI... Tasmanian wolves (AKA the Tasmanian Tiger AKA The Thylacine) do NOT like to be hugged. Or touched. Or stared at directly. Sending a sympathy card is the recommended consolation method for this particular "extinct" species.

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