Saturday, August 22, 2009

The CAP'N makes it HAPPEN...

Ahoy, Crypto Scouts!

If there's one thing I've discovered during my years of monster-hunting, there are few ghouls more pestilential than the Vampyr. They rise from their tombs to suck the blood of the living, spreading disease, death, sin, and chaos itself. It just so happens that Buccaneers are also dealers of disease, death, sin, and chaos (I see "plunder" and "rape" are on the resume as well). Put the two together and you've got one scurvy undead BrundleFly of nastiness...


Isn't that right, CAP'N COUNT?

"Drink BLOOD me 'earties, YO HO!"

What a charmer.

Remember, my faithful Scouts... Walk softly and carry a BIG crucifix.
Prepared. Never scared.

Cryptically yours,
*The Crypto-Scout

CRYPTO-TIP! Keep your good eye peeled. Some Vampyrates can be impaled with their very own peg legs!

Note: Not to be mistaken with "Vampirates", which CLEARLY (like some other hoaxes I know) do NOT exist.

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